.. _install: ############ Installation ############ Supported language: - Python: 3.7 - Python: 3.8 - Python: 3.9 .. note:: We highly recommend installing and using the free `Anaconda `_ distribution of Python (or `Miniconda `_, if you don't want all of the extra packages that come built-in with Anaconda), which works on Mac, Linux, and Windows, both on normal computers and institutional clusters and doesn't require root permissions. The main dependency of aeolus is `iris `_, but various minor parts also depend on the following Python packages - cached-property - cartopy - matplotlib - numpy - latlon23 - metpy - python-stratify - pyvista - xarray After the required packages are installed, aeolus can be installed either from Anaconda, PyPI, or from source. Recommended installation method: conda ====================================== The recommended installation method is via `conda `_ To install aeolus and its primary dependencies :: conda install -c conda-forge aeolus Alternative method: PyPI ======================== Install aeolus from the Python Package Index :: pip install aeolus Alternative method: install from source ======================================= To get the latest (potentially unstable) version of the library you can directly clone the `GitHub repository `_ :: git clone https://www.github.com/exoclim/aeolus.git cd aeolus and install aeolus in the standard mode :: python setup.py install and install aeolus in the developer mode :: python setup.py develop or:: pip install -e . Verifying proper installation ============================= Once installed via any of these methods, you can run aeolus's suite of tests using `pytest `_. From the top-level directory of the aeolus installation :: conda install pytest # if you don't have it already; or 'pip install pytest' pytest aeolus If you don't know the directory where aeolus was installed, you can find it via :: python -c "import aeolus; print(aeolus.__path__[0])" If the pytest command results in any error messages or test failures, something has gone wrong, and please refer to the Troubleshooting information below. Troubleshooting =============== Please search through the `Issues page`_ on Github if anybody else has had the same problem you're facing. If none do, then please send open a new Issue. .. _Issues page: https://github.com/exoclim/aeolus/issues