Source code for aeolus.subset

"""Subset cubes using iris constraints."""

from datetime import timedelta
from itertools import combinations

from iris import Constraint
from iris.cube import CubeList

from .coord import get_cube_datetimes
from .model import um

__all__ = (

def _select_inst(cube):
    """Return True if cube has no cell methods."""
    return len(cube.cell_methods) == 0

def _select_mean(cube):
    """Return True if cube has a "mean" cell method."""
        return cube.cell_methods[0].method == "mean"
    except IndexError:
        return False

def _dim_constr(*coords, strict=True):
    """Make an `iris.Constraint` from given dimensional coordinates."""
    coord_set = set(coords)

    def __cube_func(cube):  # noqa
        cube_dimcoords = { for dc in cube.dim_coords}
        if strict:
            # Cube has exactly the same dim coords
            return cube_dimcoords == coord_set
            # Cube has these dim coords and possibly other
            return coord_set.issubset(cube_dimcoords)

    return Constraint(cube_func=__cube_func)

[docs] def l_range_constr(h_min, h_max, units="km", coord=um.z): """Make a constraint on length range.""" if units == "km": factor = 1e-3 else: factor = 1 return Constraint( **{coord: lambda x: h_min <= (x.point * factor) <= h_max} )
[docs] def extract_last_month(cube, model=um): """Extract time slices within the last months of a cube.""" dt = get_cube_datetimes(cube)[-1] return cube.extract( Constraint( **{ model.t: lambda x: (x.point.year == dt.year) and (x.point.month == dt.month) } ) )
[docs] def extract_last_n_days(cube, days=365, model=um): """Extract time slices within the last `n` days of its time dimension.""" dt = get_cube_datetimes(cube)[-1] ndays_before = dt - timedelta(days=days) cube_sub = cube.extract( Constraint(**{model.t: lambda t: t.point > ndays_before}) ) return cube_sub
[docs] def extract_between_days(cube, day_start, day_end, model=um): """Subset between `day_start` and `day_end` of its time coordinate.""" dt_s = get_cube_datetimes(cube)[0] lbound = dt_s + timedelta(days=day_start) ubound = dt_s + timedelta(days=day_end) cube_sub = cube.extract( Constraint(**{model.t: lambda t: lbound <= t.point <= ubound}) ) return cube_sub
[docs] def extract_after_n_days(cube, days=365, model=um): """Extract time slices after the given number of `days`.""" dt = get_cube_datetimes(cube)[0] ndays_after = dt + timedelta(days=days) cube_sub = cube.extract( Constraint(**{model.t: lambda t: t.point > ndays_after}) ) return cube_sub
CM_INST_CONSTR = Constraint(cube_func=_select_inst) CM_MEAN_CONSTR = Constraint(cube_func=_select_mean) class _ModeDimConstr: """Class for storing constraints in `DimConstr` grouped by their mode.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Assign all keyword arguments to attributes of this class.""" self.__dict__.update(**kwargs)
[docs] class DimConstr: """ Container for strict or relaxed dimensional constraints. Examples -------- Extract cubes that have y and x dimensional coordinates (among others): >>> dc = DimConstr() >>> cubelist.extract(dc.relax.yx) Extract cubes that only have model levels, y and x dimensions: >>> dc = DimConstr() >>> cubelist.extract(dc.strict.myx) """
[docs] def __init__(self, model=um): """ Initialise DimConstr. Parameters ---------- model: aeolus.model.Model, optional Model class with relevant coordinate names. """ abbr_aliases = { "t": "t", "z": "z", "m": "lev", "p": "p", "y": "y", "x": "x", } for mode in ["strict", "relax"]: attrs = {} for key in ("z", "m", "p"): for n in range(1, 5): for seq in combinations(["t", key, "y", "x"], n): model_seq = [abbr_aliases[letter] for letter in seq] attrs["".join(seq)] = _dim_constr( *[getattr(model, i) for i in model_seq], strict=(mode == "strict"), ) setattr(self, mode, _ModeDimConstr(**attrs))
[docs] def unique_cubes(cubelist): """Remove duplicate cubes from `iris.cube.CubeList`.""" if len(cubelist) > 1: out = CubeList([cubelist[0]]) for src_cube in cubelist[1:]: exists = False for dest_cube in out: if src_cube == dest_cube: exists = True if not exists: out.append(src_cube) return out else: return cubelist
class CellMethodConstraint(Constraint): """Provides a simple Cube-CellMethod based :class:`Constraint`.""" _names = ("method", "coord_names", "intervals", "comments") def __init__( self, method, coord_names=None, intervals=None, comments=None ): """ Initialise a CellMethod-based constraint. Provides a Cube cell method based :class:`Constraint`, which matches against attributes of each of the cell methods in the cube, if there are any. See :class:`iris.coords.CellMethod` for more info. The constraint will succeed if *any* of the provided attributes match. Example usage:: iris.CellMethodConstraint(method='mean') iris.CellMethodConstraint(method='mean', coord_names=("mesh_coordinates",)) .. note:: Cell method names are case sensitive. """ self.method = method self.coord_names = coord_names self.intervals = intervals self.comments = comments # self.cell_method = iris.coords.CellMethod( # method, coords=coord_names, # intervals=intervals, comments=comments # ) super().__init__(cube_func=self._cube_func) def __eq__(self, other): eq = type(other) is CellMethodConstraint and all( getattr(self, attname) == getattr(other, attname) for attname in self._names ) return eq def __hash__(self): # Must re-define if you overload __eq__ : Use object identity. return id(self) def _cube_func(self, cube): match = False try: cell_methods = cube.cell_methods for cell_method in cell_methods: for name in self._names: expected = getattr(self, name) actual = getattr(cell_method, name) # Currently relaxed / permissive condition if actual == expected: match = True break except AttributeError: match = False return match def __repr__(self): names = [] for name in self._names: value = getattr(self, name) if value != "none": names.append(f"{name}={value!r}") return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(names))