Source code for aeolus.plot.text

"""Text-related formatting functions."""

import itertools
import math
import os
import string

from ..calc import spatial_mean
from ..exceptions import ArgumentError

__all__ = (

[docs] def all_sim_file_label(sims): """Make a shorter label for a list of labels with a common prefix.""" pref = os.path.commonprefix(sims) return f"{pref}_{'_'.join([i.removeprefix(pref) for i in sims])}"
[docs] def cube_minmeanmax_str( cube, sep=" | ", eq_sign="=", fmt="auto", weight=True, labels=None, **kw_unit_format, ): """Return min, mean and max of an iris cube as a string.""" # Compute the stats if labels is None: labels = ["min", "mean", "max"] _min = float( if weight: _mean = float(spatial_mean(cube).data) else: _mean = float( _max = float( # Assemble a string txts = [] for label, num in zip(labels, [_min, _mean, _max]): if fmt == "auto": if (math.log10(abs(_mean)) < 0) or (math.log10(abs(_mean)) > 5): _str = f"{label}{eq_sign}{num:.0e}" else: _str = f"{label}{eq_sign}{round(num):.0f}" elif fmt == "pretty": _str = f"{label}{eq_sign}{unit_format(num, **kw_unit_format)}" else: _str = f"{label}{eq_sign}{num:{fmt}}" txts.append(_str) return sep.join(txts)
[docs] def fmt_lonlat(value, lon_or_lat, degree=False): r""" Convert longitude or latitude value to string with a hemisphere identifier. Parameters ---------- value: int Value of longitude or latitude. Note that this function is only for integer values. lon_or_lat: str Longitude or latitude degree: bool, optional If true, a TeX degree symbol is included Returns ------- str Examples -------- >>> fmt_lonlat(-25, "lon") '25W' >>> fmt_lonlat(89, "lat", degree=True) '89$^\\degree$N' >>> fmt_lonlat(0, "lon") '0' """ from LatLon23 import Latitude, Longitude # noqa if lon_or_lat.lower().startswith("lat"): res = Latitude(value) elif lon_or_lat.lower().startswith("lon"): res = Longitude(value) else: raise ArgumentError( "2nd arg or the function should start with `lon` or `lat`" ) out = res.to_string("%d%H") if degree: out = out[:-1] + r"$^\degree$" + out[-1] if value == 0: out = out[:-1] return out
[docs] def subplot_label_generator(): """Return generator of alphabetic labelling of subplots.""" for i in itertools.count(1): for p in itertools.product(string.ascii_lowercase, repeat=i): yield "".join(p)
[docs] def tex2cf_units(unit_str): """Convert a TeX string to a string that can be used in cf_units.""" return ( unit_str.replace("$", "") .replace("{", "") .replace("}", "") .replace("^", "**") )
[docs] def unit_format( value, unit="1", decimal_digits=1, precision=None, exponent=None ): r""" Return a string representation of a given number with units. Format the scientific notation of the given number for use with LaTeX, with specified number of significant decimal digits and precision (number of decimal digits to show). The exponent to be used can also be specified explicitly. Parameters ---------- value: int or float Number to be formatted. unit: str or int, optional Units of the number, if any. decimal_digits: int, optional Significant decimal digits. precision: int, optional Number of decimal digits to show. exponent: int, optional Exponent of the resulting number. Returns ------- str Examples -------- >>> unit_format(-1.234e-5) '$-1.2\\times10^{-5}$' >>> unit_format(6) '$6.0$' >>> unit_format(1.234e5, unit="m s^{-1}") '$1.2\\times10^{5}$ $m$ $s^{-1}$' >>> unit_format(1.234, decimal_digits=1, precision=3) '$1.200$' >>> unit_format(1.234, decimal_digits=3, precision=1) '$1.2$' """ if unit in ["", "1", 1]: unit_str = "" else: unit_str = rf'${str(unit).replace(" ", "$ $")}$' if "%" in unit_str: unit_str = unit_str.replace("%", r"\%") if value == 1: string = unit_str else: if precision is None: precision = decimal_digits if exponent is None: try: exponent = int(math.floor(math.log10(abs(value)))) except ValueError: exponent = 0 coeff = round(value / 10**exponent, decimal_digits) if exponent in [0, 1]: string = rf"${round(value, decimal_digits):.{precision}f}$" else: string = rf"${coeff:.{precision}f}\times10^{{{exponent:d}}}$" if not unit == "1": string += rf" {unit_str}" return string