Source code for aeolus.lfric

"""Utilities for working with LFRic output."""

from import Sequence
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

import iris
import iris.coords
from iris.cube import Cube, CubeList
import iris.exceptions
from iris.mesh import MeshCoord, MeshXY
import iris.util
import numpy as np

from .io import load_vert_lev
from .model import lfric
from .model.base import Model

__all__ = (

[docs] def add_um_height_coord( cube: Cube, field: str, filename: str, path_to_levels_file: Path ) -> Cube: """ Callback for `iris.load` specifically for LFRic data with vertical coord. Adds a vertical coordinate of level heights from a UM vertical levels file. Parameters ---------- path_to_levels_file: Path-like Path to the vertical levels file. Examples -------- >>> from functools import partial >>> iris.load( filename, callback=partial( add_um_height_coord, path_to_levels_file=Path('/path/to/vertlevs_L38_29t_9s_40km') ) ) """ lev_coords = [ for i in cube.dim_coords if"_levels") ] if len(lev_coords) == 1: thlev = load_vert_lev(path_to_levels_file, lev_type="theta") rholev = load_vert_lev(path_to_levels_file, lev_type="rho") lev_coord = cube.coord(lev_coords[0]) if "full" in points = thlev else: points = rholev hgt_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord( points, long_name="level_height", units="m", attributes={"positive": "up"}, ) hgt_coord.guess_bounds() cube.add_aux_coord(hgt_coord, data_dims=cube.coord_dims(lev_coord)) return cube
[docs] def add_equally_spaced_height_coord( cube: Cube, field: str, filename: str, model_top_height: float ) -> Cube: """ Callback for `iris.load` specifically for LFRic data with vertical coord. Adds a vertical coordinate of level heights assuming equally spaced levels. Examples -------- >>> from functools import partial >>> iris.load( filename, callback=partial( add_equally_spaced_height_coord, model_top_height=32000 ) ) """ lev_coords = [ for i in cube.dim_coords if"_levels") ] if len(lev_coords) == 1: lev_coord = cube.coord(lev_coords[0]) if "full" in points = np.linspace(0, model_top_height, lev_coord.shape[0]) else: points = np.linspace(0, model_top_height, lev_coord.shape[0] + 1) points = 0.5 * (points[:-1] + points[1:]) hgt_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord( points, long_name="level_height", units="m", attributes={"positive": "up"}, ) hgt_coord.guess_bounds() cube.add_aux_coord(hgt_coord, data_dims=cube.coord_dims(lev_coord)) return cube
[docs] def clean_attrs(cube: Cube, field: str, filename: str) -> Cube: """ Callback for `iris.load` to clean up trivial attributes in LFRic data. Needed for concatenating cubes. """ for attr in ["timeStamp", "uuid"]: try: cube.attributes.pop(attr) except KeyError: pass return cube
[docs] def fix_time_coord( cube: Cube, field: str, filename: str, downgrade_to_scalar: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Cube: """ Callback function for `iris.load` specifically for UGRID data. All field variables should have time as a coord, and mesh variables will not have a time coord. So ignore anything that doesn't have a time coord. Note that mesh info will still be loaded in the coordinate part of the cube. Make sure that time coordinate is correct type, seems to always be loaded as a basic AuxCoord rather than a Scalar or DimCoord. """ # Ignore cubes with no time coordinate if len(cube.coords("time")) == 0: raise iris.exceptions.IgnoreCubeException # Else, fix metadata in variables else: tcoord = cube.coord("time") # If only 1 time coordinate value, downgrade AuxCoord to Scalar if downgrade_to_scalar and tcoord.points.size == 1: cube = cube.extract(iris.Constraint(time=tcoord.cell(0))) # Else, upgrade AuxCoord to DimCoord else: iris.util.promote_aux_coord_to_dim_coord(cube, tcoord) return cube
[docs] def load_lfric_raw( fnames: Sequence[Union[Path, str]], callback: Optional[Callable] = None, drop_coord: Optional[Sequence[str]] = (), ) -> CubeList: """Load raw LFRic data.""" cl_raw = iris.load(fnames, callback=callback) cl_raw = CubeList(clean_attrs(cube, None, None) for cube in cl_raw) for coord in drop_coord: for cube in cl_raw: try: cube.remove_coord(coord) except iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError: pass cl_raw = cl_raw.concatenate(check_aux_coords=False) return cl_raw
[docs] def replace_level_coord_with_height(cube: Cube) -> Cube: """ Remove full_ or half_levels coordinate and replace it with level_height. Assumes that the cube contains level_height already. See Also -------- add_equally_spaced_height_coord """ lev_coords = [ for i in cube.dim_coords if"_levels") ] if len(lev_coords) == 1: lev_coord = cube.coord(lev_coords[0]) cube.remove_coord(lev_coord) iris.util.promote_aux_coord_to_dim_coord(cube, "level_height") return cube
[docs] def replace_mesh(cube: Cube, new_mesh: MeshXY) -> Cube: """Replace mesh in a 1d cube by creating a new copy of that cube.""" mesh_x = MeshCoord(mesh=new_mesh, location="face", axis="x") mesh_y = MeshCoord(mesh=new_mesh, location="face", axis="y") new_cube = Cube(, aux_coords_and_dims=[(mesh_x, 0), (mesh_y, 0)]) new_cube.metadata = cube.metadata return new_cube
def _regrid_cubes_on_edges( src_cube: Cube, tgt_cube: Cube, method: Optional[str] = "auto" ) -> Cube: """Temporary solution to regrid cubes defined on cell edges.""" # Using the approach in gungho/rose-stem/app/plot/bin/ from iris._concatenate import _CubeSignature from iris.analysis.cartography import get_xy_grids from scipy.interpolate import griddata src_x = src_cube.coord("longitude").points src_y = src_cube.coord("latitude").points tgt_x2d, tgt_y2d = get_xy_grids(tgt_cube) non_xy_coords = [ name for c in src_cube.dim_coords if (name := not in ["longitude", "latitude"] ] result = CubeList() for src_2d_slice in src_cube.slices_over(non_xy_coords): # Interpolate using delaunay triangularization if method == "auto": reg_data_linear = griddata( (src_x, src_y),, (tgt_x2d, tgt_y2d), method="linear", ) reg_data_nearest = griddata( (src_x, src_y),, (tgt_x2d, tgt_y2d), method="nearest", ) reg_data_linear[np.isnan(reg_data_linear)] = reg_data_nearest[ np.isnan(reg_data_linear) ] reg_data = reg_data_linear else: reg_data = griddata( (src_x, src_y),, (tgt_x2d, tgt_y2d), method=method, ) reg_cube_slice = tgt_cube.copy(data=reg_data) for scalar_coord in _CubeSignature(src_2d_slice).scalar_coords: reg_cube_slice.add_aux_coord(scalar_coord) result.append(reg_cube_slice) result = result.merge_cube() dim_order = [*range(src_cube.ndim + 1)] dim_order[0], dim_order[1] = 1, 0 result.transpose(dim_order) result.metadata = src_cube.metadata return result
[docs] def simple_regrid_lfric( cube_list: CubeList, tgt_cube: Cube, ref_cube_constr: Optional[str] = "air_potential_temperature", interp_vertically: Optional[bool] = True, model: Optional[Model] = lfric, ) -> CubeList: """Quick&dirty regridding of LFRic data to a common height/lat/lon grid.""" from esmf_regrid.experimental.unstructured_scheme import ( MeshToGridESMFRegridder, ) # Horizontal regridding result_h = CubeList() ref_cube = cube_list.extract_cube(ref_cube_constr) regridder = MeshToGridESMFRegridder( ref_cube, tgt_cube, method="conservative" ) for cube in cube_list: if cube.location == "edge": cube_reg = _regrid_cubes_on_edges(cube, tgt_cube) else: cube_reg = regridder(cube) result_h.append(cube_reg) result = result_h if interp_vertically: # Vertical interpolation result_v = iris.cube.CubeList() tgt_points = (model.z, ref_cube.coord(model.z).points) for cube in result: if len( [ for i in cube.dim_coords if"_levels") ] ): result_v.append( replace_level_coord_with_height(cube).interpolate( [tgt_points], iris.analysis.Linear() ) ) else: result_v.append(cube) result = result_v return result
[docs] def ugrid_spatial( cube: Cube, aggr: str, model: Optional[Model] = lfric, **kwargs, ) -> Cube: """Collapse a UGRID `iris.cube.Cube` over x and y coord with no weights.""" cube_copy = cube.copy() tmp_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord( points=np.arange(cube.coord(model.x).shape[0]), long_name="mesh_coordinates", ) cube_copy.add_aux_coord(tmp_coord, data_dims=cube.coord_dims(model.x)) cube_copy.remove_coord(model.x) cube_copy.remove_coord(model.y) cube_aggr = cube_copy.collapsed(, getattr(iris.analysis, aggr.upper()), **kwargs ) cube_aggr.remove_coord(tmp_coord) return cube_aggr
[docs] def ugrid_spatial_mean( cube: Cube, model: Optional[Model] = lfric, **kwargs ) -> Cube: """Average a UGRID `iris.cube.Cube` spatially.""" return ugrid_spatial(cube, "mean", model=model, **kwargs)