Source code for

"""Operations in tidally-locked coordinates."""

import iris.analysis
from iris.analysis.cartography import _meshgrid, rotate_pole, rotate_winds
from iris.coord_systems import RotatedGeogCS
from iris.coords import AuxCoord
from iris.cube import Cube
from iris.util import promote_aux_coord_to_dim_coord
import numpy as np

from ..coord import get_xy_coords
from ..exceptions import BadCoordinateError
from ..model import um

__all__ = (

[docs] def regrid_to_rotated_pole_coordinates(cube, pole_lon, pole_lat, model=um): """ Regrid a cube to rotated-pole coordinates. Note: non-dimensional coordinates are lost. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube Input cube. pole_lon: float New North Pole longitude. pole_lat: float New North Pole latitude. model: aeolus.model.Model, optional Model class with relevant coordinate and variable names. """ _cs = cube.coord_system() xcoord, ycoord = get_xy_coords(cube, model=model) lon2d, lat2d = _meshgrid(xcoord.points, ycoord.points) r_lons, r_lats = rotate_pole(lon2d, lat2d, pole_lon, pole_lat) r_lon_coord = AuxCoord( r_lons.flatten(), units=xcoord.units, standard_name=xcoord.standard_name, var_name=xcoord.var_name, coord_system=_cs, ) r_lat_coord = AuxCoord( r_lats.flatten(), units=ycoord.units, standard_name=ycoord.standard_name, var_name=ycoord.var_name, coord_system=_cs, ) non_xy_coords = [ (i, cube.coord_dims(i)) for i in cube.dim_coords if i not in [xcoord, ycoord] ] # assume latitude and longitude are the rightmost dimensions lat_dim = len(non_xy_coords) if lat_dim != cube.coord_dims(ycoord)[0]: raise BadCoordinateError( "Ensure latitude and longitude are the rightmost dimensions." ) cube_flat = Cube( cube.core_data().reshape( (*cube.shape[:lat_dim], np.product(cube.shape[lat_dim:])) ), aux_coords_and_dims=[ *non_xy_coords, (r_lat_coord, lat_dim), (r_lon_coord, lat_dim), ], units=cube.units, ) for coord, _ in non_xy_coords: promote_aux_coord_to_dim_coord(cube_flat, coord) out = cube_flat.regrid(cube, iris.analysis.UnstructuredNearest()) return out
[docs] def regrid_to_tidally_locked_coordinates( cube, pole_lon=0, pole_lat=0, model=um ): """ Regrid a cube to tidally locked coordinates. The substellar and antistellar point become the north and south pole, respectively. By default, the substellar point is assumed to be at (0, 0). Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube Input cube. pole_lon: float, optional New North Pole longitude. pole_lat: float, optional New North Pole latitude. model: aeolus.model.Model, optional Model class with relevant coordinate and variable names. """ return regrid_to_rotated_pole_coordinates( cube, pole_lon=pole_lon, pole_lat=pole_lat, model=model )
[docs] def rotate_winds_to_tidally_locked_coordinates(u, v, pole_lon=0, pole_lat=0): """ Rotate the horizontal wind components to tidally locked coordinates. The substellar and antistellar point become the north and south pole, respectively. By default, the substellar point is assumed to be at (0, 0). Parameters ---------- u: iris.cube.Cube :class:`iris.cube.Cube` that contains the x-component of the vector. v: iris.cube.Cube :class:`iris.cube.Cube` that contains the y-component of the vector. pole_lon: float, optional New North Pole longitude. pole_lat: float, optional New North Pole latitude. """ tl_cs = RotatedGeogCS(pole_lon, pole_lat, ellipsoid=u.coord_system()) tl_u, tl_v = rotate_winds(u, v, tl_cs) return tl_u, tl_v